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lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Linux burn ISO images to Cds and CD-RW/DVD-+R howto

List device and Get an overview of drives and their addresses.

cdrskin -scanbus

# cdrskin -scanbus
cdrskin 0.7.0 : limited cdrecord compatibility wrapper for libburn
cdrskin: scanning for devices ...
cdrskin: ... scanning for devices done
Using libburn version '0.7.0'.
        1,0,0     0) 'HL-DT-ST' 'DVD-ROM GDRH20N ' 'D8E4' Removable CD-ROM
Select 1,0,0     0) 'HL-DT-ST' 'DVD-ROM GDRH20N ' 'D8E4' Removable CD-ROM

List device: lsscsi

# lsscsi
[0:0:0:0]    tape    HP       Ultrium 2-SCSI   T65D  /dev/st0
[1:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDRH20N  D8E4  /dev/sr0 

Write ISO-9660 filesystem image as only one to blank or formatted media: 

# cdrskin -v dev=/dev/sr0 speed=12 fs=8m \ blank=as_needed -eject padsize=300k my_image.iso

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